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Free quick guide to a more joyful life -- and death
Tibetan Buddhism offers answers to help us get the most out of life, which helps us die better
If you've heard of the Tibetan Book of the Dead, you know it offers an amazing description of the journey into the afterlife. For centuries it's helped people understand the death and rebirth process so they feel more prepared for that journey and less anxious.
But you might not know that its lessons are also a blueprint for living a more connected and joyful life. Life is full of big transitions, little deaths and rebirths we have to navigate, and the teachings on the stages of the process of reincarnation apply to those transitions, too.
Free quick guide for beginners
Ready to dive in -- even if you're new to Tibetan Buddhism? Grab your quick guide for descriptions of those stages of the rebirth cycle, with links to audio talks that help you understand the meaning behind the ancient teachings. You can read and listen in a couple of hours, and you'll have a great foundation to begin your journey toward less anxiety and greater joy.

the instructor
Hi, I'm Claire, and making the wisdom of Tibetan Buddhism accessible to everyone is my mission. I did my PhD on contemplative practice in Tibet, and I've been a student of the dharma since 1997.
I want to share what I know with you in a way that makes sense, no matter how much (or how little) you know about the dharma.