Online courses
support your spiritual growth

Come Home to Your Life
getting and staying grounded
It feels as though life is speeding up, with more to do, greater distractions, and less time to ourselves. But contemplative practices like meditation offer an off-ramp when the pace of life gets overwhelming. You don't have to live in a cave in the Himalayas to benefit from the ancient wisdom behind meditation techniques; in fact, neuroscience increasingly shows that even small amounts of meditation can change our brains for the better, and more than that, it can transform our lives.
Essential Tools for Meditation
free mini-course to get started
I want to give you the resources I wish I'd had to start meditating -- and some of the tracks, podcasts, and more that I use in my practice today. Whether you're a long-time practitioner or just starting out, I hope that this course will help you deepen your practice.
Growing Through Transitions
coronavirus bardo (in-between state)
Tibetan Buddhism teaches us about the bardo states of life, death, clear light, and the in-between state -- the cycle of life, death, and rebirth. Taken literally, they're profound teachings that point us toward our naturally luminous nature.
Taken metaphorically, they can help us navigate transitions with grace ... and maybe even grow through the process. Right now we're all facing the changes everyone is making because of the coronavirus pandemic, and in this live course we'll discuss how we're dealing with the situation, what's difficult, and what we're learning through the experience.

Tending the Flower Garden
uprooting obstacles to meditation
If you've ever tried meditating, you know it can be challenging and even frustrating. But it doesn't have to be! In this course, Elitza Ranova, PhD, and I dig into some of the obstacles almost everyone faces, like not having enough time to meditate, facing digital distractions, and feeling that we're meditating "wrong."
This course comes with instructional videos, written coaching exercises, and six guided meditations for download. It's not an introduction to meditation, but it's meant to support you during the bumpy path to establishing a meditation practice that will nourish and ground you.
Meditation for Mental Focus
support your mind's natural capacity to rest
This course will take a beginning meditator--someone with a little experience already who wants to take their practice to the next level--deeper into the ancient practice of meditation, optimized for modern life.  And it offers intermediate mediators a chance to cultivate one of the key skills in meditation practice: the ability to rest the mind on an object.  This course offers guided meditations using imagery, focus on the breath and sensations of the body, and the cultivation of an open heart to help students strengthen their ability to rest the mind.